Rising Song


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15 thoughts on “Rising Song”

  1. I like Rising Song……I prefer the slower ballads such as this one. I really like the first minute or so of just the guitar.
    Nice job, Tom.

  2. Hey Pat,

    Yeah, I like it too. It’s still amazing to me what a simple acoustic guitar can sound like (to simpletons like me). Thanks for the listen, and the weigh in. Please send the link to Adam and Ben, and have them have a listen.


  3. Hey Mikey,

    Mikey likes it. Thanks for the listen and weigh in (but at what weight?). And it’s low sodium.


  4. This song bugs me. I can’t get it out my head. I can’t write now. Every time I try to write a song all can hear is this song. I discussed this with my dog Shelby and she suggested that I talk to her attorney. However, her attorney wouldn’t take my calls because Shelby is currently filing a lawsuit against me regarding my guitar practicing and singing causing her mental anguish. She likes your stuff though.

  5. Mr. Tom,
    I’m glad I listened to “Rising Song” again today. It makes you want to sing along with it! I do like this song very much! No really I do! Honestly I do! Keep ’em coming…..

  6. Hey Mike,

    My dog’s attorney is in Northampton. I can send you the link if you’d like.

    With a wit like yours, I know you can write very good songs.

    Thank you for the feedback.


  7. Several years ago me and my lovely lady went to see you at the Red Lion Inn. It was a good night. You sang Bye Bye Miss American Pie. At some point during the song everyone in the room was standing and singing with you – it was magic. Personally I think that the song is too long, But you rocked it.

  8. Hey Mike,

    I (we) had hundreds of great nights there over many, many years, when management seemed to care about music. That changed, and I moved on.

    Hopefully, our original music is headed in a direction to producing a classic like American Pie.

    Thank You for your support, as always.


  9. So I sat here in my livingroom listening every song through my home system. As I listened I kept thinking “who is this guy?” He doesn’t sound like anyone. Which bugs me. I like making up ways of describing somebody’s sound. Like I know a guy that sounds like Pink Floyd after being hit by a Beatles truck driven by Tom Petty and brought to the Fleetwood Mac hospital. But you….. You have you’re own sound. You’ve taken all your experience and completely personalized it into a completely original sound. Completely.

  10. Hello Mike,

    Anyone working in any art form ultimately lives to hear those kind of words. Particularly from someone like you, whose paying close attention, possesses an open affected heart, and respects and loves the history of the medium.

    I(we) thank you. Deeply.

    Our goals are obviously to move this to a much higher plain (plane?). Check out the next batch of songs; we’re pretty excited.


  11. Hey Honey,

    I’ve been writing songs on the couch for your entire life. But now we’re recording ’em, and finishing them. Which is pretty gratifying.


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