Music Done Saved A Life


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10 thoughts on “Music Done Saved A Life”

  1. Nice job, Tom,
    It even sounds pretty good on my phone (a little
    thin and trebly)but you nailed the feeling. I hear
    ya. It did the same thing for me, without a
    Thanks for sharing and for keepin’ on keepin’ on.
    Le Chaim!
    Bas O’Hayes

  2. Hey Bass (I thought it had 2 “s”s),

    Thanks for listening. Glad it’s always done the same for you.

    Stay in touch. Happy Rosh.


  3. Hi Mary,

    It’s really true, ain’t it. And I hope it always will be an invoker of such for those that can and will be affected.

    Thank you, Mary. Hope the paw heels fast.


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