Underneath The Bus


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10 thoughts on “Underneath The Bus”

  1. In order to be thrown under the bus in this organization you must fill out FORM BUS101. At which point we will evaluate multiple points of merits of the minimal requirements of being thrown under a bus. All decisions are final. Love the song.

  2. Hey, Tom. I wasn’t sure about any of these the first time around. Then I remembered to turn my subwoofer on :-).
    My favorites are Underneath the Bus (I love all the do-do in the middle) and American Rhumba (very clever rhymes). Either could be a hit single (is there still such a thing as a hit single? Something tells me NOT).

  3. Hey Bob,

    There are still hit singles, and the only thing we know for sure is that all singles sound better with a subwoofer.

    Thank you. Now we have a smiley yellow face at the site.

  4. Need to get this one out on the web before 2012. I’m not sure I bought a ticket to ride, but I got stuffed in the baggage compt. Maybe you need to do a music video with look alikes and all. I can come up with a bus to use. I feel like “Rider Road Kill” every time I watch CNN.
    Another one that I catch myself listening to when I want to have fun.

  5. Hey Da,

    Glad you’re having fun with it, despite all the violent imagery. Boom, boom.

    As far as video ideas, you and I both look a little bit like roadkill, so I don’t think we’ll need stand-ins or look alikes; we can play ourselves.

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